1.事實發生日:100/03/18 2.公司名稱:關貿網路股份有限公司 3.與公司關係[請輸入本公司或聯屬公司]:本公司 4.相互持股比例:不適用 5.發生緣由:取得專利 6.因應措施:不適用 7.其他應敘明事項: (1)專利商標及著作權之內容:消費資訊處理方法 (2)專利權及著作權之取得日期:2011/02/15 (3)專利期間:2011/02/15-2028/09/29 (4)其他應敘明事項: A method for processing transaction information is provided according to the present invention. The method enables business vender to provider consumers with paperless transaction information, e.g. invoice information, via a route mainframe and a electronic data interchange platform. The method includes providing a mobile electronic device and establishing an information service platform to connect the electronic data interchange platform, for providing the consumers a means for payment of bills; when the cash register of the business vender receives a request of the payment of bills by using the mobile electronic device, having the card reader to access balance of the electronic purse of the mobile electronic device;… |